
North East Local Enterprise Partnership

North East Local Enterprise Partnership

Merit has recently signed up to be on the Enterprise Adviser Network, an initiative by North East LEP. The Enterprise Adviser Network is a national initiative bringing together business leaders with senior leadership teams in schools and colleges, who work strategically and operationally to bridge the gap between education and the world of work.

Merit has been matched with Ashington Academy, where we are working with the Academy to deliver talks, mock interviews, help with CV’s, tell them more about the roles we have, careers in the North East generally, work placements, summer placements… the list goes on! Our first day of supporting the Academy is on Thursday 14 November, where a number of Merit staff will help year 10 students to write a CV. I have a meeting arranged in the New Year with the Academy to review how we can support for next year and how other people in Merit can get involved. An update about Thursday’s event will follow with posts on social media so please like and share

‘The sessions were brilliant, so thank you very much!’

Laura Windass – CEIAG Lead & Teacher of Science Ashington Academy