World leading research institute. Central London location. Project Partner Merit!
Merit was awarded the Capital Projects Partner Framework for the Francis Crick Institute in 2018. We deliver all projects at this biomedical discovery institute including refurbishment of laboratories and cleanrooms as well as rationalisation of existing space to suit the Crick’s evolving science and research activities.
- 60 projects delivered to date.
- Design developed in collaborative workshop approach.
- Merit recently built a new Ancient DNA cleanroom at the Crick.
Francis Crick institute is home to 1500 scientists and support staff working across a number of disciplines. The facility houses over 120 laboratories of leading science with research activities such as:
- Adult stem cell
- Biomolecular modelling
- Cancer metabolism
- Cellular adaptive behavior
- Retroviral replication
- System neuroscience and energy control
- Oncogene biology
- And many more
The science and research activities at the Crick are subject to change and as a result we will be responsible for reconfiguring existing space to suit a different activity. The process involves gaining funding approval, developing a design to suit the new research-based activity, further sign off and approval, final design recommendations and then construction and installation of the new facility.
This can be a lengthy process for the Crick and as their project partner, we must support by working collaboratively with the Crick itself, the various funding partners as well as the end-users. The spaces to be reconfigured in the Crick are often small and in order to provide a functional area for research activities, we have to consider optimum personnel layout and how the key laboratory and research equipment will fit in.
Utilising our experience of working in live, research-based environments is significant in ensuring that the activities do not stop. The Crick is a 24/7 research-based institute where the loss of services is not an option. Daily updates are required between the Merit team and the Crick team. We work with Crick Project Managers on individual projects and respond quickly to requests and deal with matters in a technical and professional manner.
A number of projects have been called off through the Capital Projects Partner Framework to date including design and build of an ancient DNA cleanroom. We designed and built a Class 100 cleanroom environment to prevent contamination of rare samples. The rooms that were repurposed for this project comprised the whole of Room B4-1077, what was a disabled toilet, the whole of the adjacent room (B4-1075) and a portion of Room B4-1072. Penetrations through the core walls in these areas were required to create doorways as well as services for the facility.
Further projects are in various stages of development from floor improvements, installation of soundproof booths to modification of 21 eyewash stations.