
Newport Wafer Fab

Design, Base Build, Tool Hook Up and Cleanroom Construction.


Semiconductor facility. 24/7 live environment. Providing continuous engineering solutions.
We love a challenge and this semiconductor environment provides exactly that. Merit has been Newport Wafer Fab’s contractor of choice since 2004.

  • All projects have been delivered on budget, to programme and quality requirements.
  • Merit has successfully delivered over 2000 projects since 2004.
  • We’ve completely embedded ourselves into their facilities team in a one team approach.
  • This is a complex 200mm live semiconductor facility that is in operation 24/7.

Merit was selected to carry out all design and feasibility studies, base build, tool hook-up and project work at Newport Wafer Fab in 2004.

Since that time, we have delivered a variety of projects ranging from installation of bulk Argon to design and construction of new cleanrooms areas.

We work in a very high specification and regulated environment designing, fabricating and installing UHP systems within a live facility that is in operation 24/7.

Merit has provided significant innovation in cleanroom designs to adapt previously designated office areas into ISO5 cleanroom space. Structural challenges were encountered and reinforcement required to accommodate 6x 22T impacted tool cleanroom build.

One project also included the design and construction of a 500m² Class 1k cleanroom including all services. This involved a 40-tonne steelwork underpin to the ground floor laboratories and refurbishment of the cleanroom space. Services included process cooling water services, N₂ services, general exhaust and toxic exhaust.

We incorporated a full walk-on ceiling system which required re-routing of existing services. The walk-on ceiling allowed the integration of distribution and process services and equipment. In addition, safe access was provided for maintenance and the production floor area was optimised. Techniques used included modular partitioning systems, cleanroom lining panels and dry lining systems with clean grade finishing. Pipework distribution was designed to provide a flexible solution for future hook-up of services without disruption to production.